
It is the study of animal Characteristics of living according to the environment and qualities useful for survival of animals and their parts.  Ethology is the study of animal behaviour.  This refers to how they behave in their environment and social interaction. The 4 types of animal behaviour are as follows

  • Instinct 
  • Imprinting
  • Conditioning
  • Imitation

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It is the branch of animal science which deals with the study of animal growth and development from egg to the adult organism. Stages of embryology follow as below

  • Fertilization
  • Cleavage
  • Blastulation
  • Implantation
  • Embryonic disc

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Although the feed of the animal is costly in the animal production, it is also the most important thing. The growth, health and reproduction of animals depend on the quality of food we feed them. Cattle fodder should be very safe for them. Cattle should not get any diseases from the fodder they consume. If cattle get sick from the forage they eat, those diseases pose a serious risk to cattle and their products to humans. 

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Although animal dung is useful for humans in the form of manure, animal waste is becoming a problem for the environment. Animal waste does not readily assimilate into the soil. Thus, when it does not decompose properly in the soil, it adds bacteria to the surrounding water. Although animal waste poses little risk to the environment, it can cause significant amounts of water pollution.  

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